As promised, today I am writing about the miracle morning. It is the routine I have decided to adopt. I honestly think this is the morning routine I was trying to build for myself, but didn't know how.
The miracle morning was created by Hal Elrod. His story is a good one, but not the point of this post. If you are interested, check out his book. (It is free on Amazon for Kindle Unlimited subscribers and there may be a free audio book on YouTube.) In a nutshell, Hal Elrod hit the lowest point in his life and resolved to fix it. He decided to take the six most common recommended habits for bettering oneself and dedicate twn minutes a day to each. Six habits, ten minutes each, means one hour of time to give to yourself. The acronym he came up with for these habits is SAVERS.
The first S is for Silence. Take ten minutes to simply be. Meditate. Focus on your breathing. Pray. Do whatever you like that gives you a quiet ten minutes of peace.
A is for affirmations. Be positive. Be generous and good to yourself. Affirmations aren't a "but" statement. "I'm a good writer, but I need to do more." Create your ideal self and hype yourself up. "I am a writer and there is an audience waiting for my books."
V stands for visualization. This can be where everyone's favorite website, Pinterest, comes in. Look at images that depict the life you want to create. Visualize yourself living that life.
E is for the habit of exercise. You only have ten minutes. Get up and move.
R stands for the habit of reading. Personally, I'm going to read a few self-improvement books, an inspiring memoir or two, and take this time to really study some fiction. If I want to write, I need to be able to dissect what others have done.
The last S, as I said yesterday, is for scribe, the habit that has brought me back to this blog.
Try these habits for yourself. One hour each day, ten minutes per habit. It can't hurt. ;)